I am so excited to anounce that Chaz and I are going to have a baby!! I am 14 week and 4 days pregnant and the baby is doing great! We get to find out the sex of the baby on December 12, so just over 3 weeks away! I can't wait! I think it is a girl but who knows.
I found out we were expecting when we were just 4 weeks along. I really didn't think the trigger shot worked I just went about my days as usual and then one day I just decided to take an ovulation test to just take it lol and they were coming out positive, I was like what the heck because I should have been getting AF in a week so they shouldn't have been positive. I waited until Chaz got home form work that night to run to Walmart and get a pregnancy test because I stopped keeping them in the house lol. Well I took the test that night and it came out positive right away, I was in shock to say the least!
I have had no morning sickness what so ever and I wouldn't have a cue I was pregnant right now if I wasn't paying attention lol that is how normal I feel. The doctors have watched the baby really well and he or she is growing perfectly! I can't wait to meet this baby!
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