Gosh do I have some updates for you guys so lets get started! It has been a crazy couple of weeks for me and this little baby. At 16 weeks I was feeling like I was leaking a lot and it was happening over the thanksgiving weekend so I couldn't go into my doctors office. I haven't ever been pregnant before so I have no idea what is normal and whats not and this was scaring the crap out of me because I felt like I was peeing my pants but it wasn't pee so I call the after hours number for my doctors and they told me to go into the emergency room because it could be amniotic fluid, I was like oh my gosh freaking out so I get my stuff and jump in the car. I spent 4 hours at the emergency room they ran some test, gave me an ultrasound and told me that everything looked good with my amniotic fluid. They said they didn't know what it was that I was leaking but the baby looked fine so I was happy, They just told me to follow up with my doctor and sent me home but that is the day we found out that we were having a baby boy. We went in on my birthday December 8Th for our anatomy scan. I was 17 week 4 days and so excited to see our little baby on my birthday. We go in for our ultrasound and first of all he was in a ball at the top left hand side of my uterus and wouldn't move lol. The ultrasound tech starts the anatomy scan she is measuring his head and what not but because of the position he was in she was having a hard time getting his legs and told us that we would have to come back. We were then sent out to the waiting room to wait for the doctor, we had been wait like an hour before they called us back again and that scared me. The doctor comes in and starts saying everything looks good except we see that the babies bowel is the same color as the bone and that is a soft marked so we are going to seen you to a specialist to have another ultrasound. She's all you can google it if you want but it will probably scare you. She said it could be a soft marker for down syndrome or cystic fibrosis but that is all the information we were given. I went home and googled it and freaked out even more then I already was it was bad, I was a crying mess. We had to wait 4 days to see the specialist and I have never been so scared to see a doctor in all my life! We get to the specialist and go into the ultrasound, NO ECHOGENIC BOWEL!!! they didn't see anything wrong with him nothing not one soft marker the other doctors office was wrong. I have never been more happy in my life! I am no planning on changing doctors because they are stupid and the ultrasound tech didn't even do the anatomy scan right or all his measurements. Long story short our baby boy is perfect!