Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Gosh do I have some updates for you guys so lets get started! It has been a crazy couple of weeks for me and this little baby. At 16 weeks I was feeling like I was leaking a lot and it was happening over the thanksgiving weekend so I couldn't go into my doctors office. I haven't ever been pregnant before so I have no idea what is normal and whats not and this was scaring the crap out of me because I felt like I was peeing my pants but it wasn't pee so I call the after hours number for my doctors and they told me to go into the emergency room because it could be amniotic fluid, I was like oh my gosh freaking out so I get my stuff and jump in the car. I spent 4 hours at the emergency room they ran some test, gave me an ultrasound and told me that everything looked good with my amniotic fluid. They said they didn't know what it was that I was leaking but the baby looked fine so I was happy, They just told me to follow up with my doctor and sent me home but that is the day we found out that we were having a baby boy. We went in on my birthday December 8Th for our anatomy scan. I was 17 week 4 days and so excited to see our little baby on my birthday. We go in for our ultrasound and first of all he was in a ball at the top left hand side of my uterus and wouldn't move lol. The ultrasound tech starts the anatomy scan she is measuring his head and what not but because of the position he was in she was having a hard time getting his legs and told us that we would have to come back. We were then sent out to the waiting room to wait for the doctor, we had been wait like an hour before they called us back again and that scared me. The doctor comes in and starts saying everything looks good except we see that the babies bowel is the same color as the bone and that is a soft marked so we are going to seen you to a specialist to have another ultrasound. She's all you can google it if you want but it will probably scare you. She said it could be a soft marker for down syndrome or cystic fibrosis but that is all the information we were given. I went home and googled it and freaked out even more then I already was it was bad, I was a crying mess. We had to wait 4 days to see the specialist and I have never been so scared to see a doctor in all my life! We get to the specialist and go into the ultrasound, NO ECHOGENIC BOWEL!!! they didn't see anything wrong with him nothing not one soft marker the other doctors office was wrong. I have never been more happy in my life! I am no planning on changing doctors because they are stupid and the ultrasound tech didn't even do the anatomy scan right or all his measurements. Long story short our baby boy is perfect!

Thursday, November 17, 2011


I am so excited to anounce that Chaz and I are going to have a baby!! I am 14 week and 4 days pregnant and the baby is doing great! We get to find out the sex of the baby on December 12, so just over 3 weeks away! I can't wait! I think it is a girl but who knows.

I found out we were expecting when we were just 4 weeks along. I really didn't think the trigger shot worked I just went about my days as usual and then one day I just decided to take an ovulation test to just take it lol and they were coming out positive, I was like what the heck because I should have been getting AF in a week so they shouldn't have been positive. I waited until Chaz got home form work that night to run to Walmart and get a pregnancy test because I stopped keeping them in the house lol. Well I took the test that night and it came out positive right away, I was in shock to say the least!

I have had no morning sickness what so ever and I wouldn't have a cue I was pregnant right now if I wasn't paying attention lol that is how normal I feel. The doctors have watched the baby really well and he or she is growing perfectly! I can't wait to meet this baby!

14 Weeks & 4 Days Pregnant!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Cycle day 9 ultrasound

I am on cycle day 9 and I went in for my ultrasound today and it went really good! I have 3 eggs 2 on my left ovary and 1 on my right. The 2 on the left were 14mm, 12mm and my right is 18mm so the 14 and the 18mm should be the ones I ovulate. I am feeling so many emotions right now, I am trying so hard to keep myself busy. I am going to pick up my trigger shot tomorrow and my dear sweet husband Chaz is going to give me the shot in my back :( I think it is going to be harder on him then it will be for me lol. Oh we also had Chaz sperm checked and the doctor told me that he has good little swimmers so that is one less thing to worry about! :) Hope this is our month! Doctor said we have a chance for twins, I am so excited.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


The doctor wanted to make sure he wasn't dealing with both Chaz and I having fertility issues so he had Chas give a sperm analysis. Well we got the results back to day and he as a normal count, I can't tell you how happy that makes me because I know now with out a doubt that Chaz and I will have a baby very soon! We know that we are only dealing with my fertility issues. I have another ultrasound on Monday and we will get more info about Chaz results so I will update again then! I am so happy thought, we really needed so good news!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

2 week wait.

I HATE the 2 week wait lol. I over think every little thing that I feel during the 2 week wait. I just feel like this isn't our month. I don't want to be a downer or negative I just feel like I know my body really well and I don't think this is our month. I flipped to an ad today with a middle-aged couple living in a city and thought, "maybe being childfree would be okay." I don't feel this yet, but i am wondering if facing this reality would be a step forward. I don't want to give up, but how far does this infertility pursuit go? We will see how the next few months unfold! Praying we get our BFP soon!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

visit to the doctors.

This isn't my ultrasound, but this picture almost looks like my ovary's.

I went to the doctors on Monday to get an ultrasound done so we could see if I the new medication I was on this cycle was working. This ultrasound was uncomfortable but we did see 1 egg in my right ovary that was considered a mature follicle it was 18'16mm. This was cycle day 10 and I guess follicle will continue to grow 1-2mm a day until you ovulate. By the time I ovulate my follicle should be a nice size. Now for the news. I have PCOS and I new that because of blood work but I had never seen what my ovaries look like because of my PCOS, well let me just say that I would have been happier if I never got to see what they looked like. My ovaries look like Swiss cheese. my left ovary is filled with cyst, it looked like I have 15-20 on that one ovary alone but my right one didn't look as bad and that was the ovary that was producing my wonderful follicle. I am on cycle day 18 and still no positive ovulation test, I'm hoping it comes soon! If we don't get pregnant this cycle for whatever reason I am moving onto HCG injections. We are praying we get or BFP soon!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

New fertility doctor

I finaly got into see a doctor this week in Oklahoma, so we can try and figure things out with my body. I have to say that I really enjoyed this doctor!! He switched all my fertility medication and I have an ultrasound sceduled to see if my eggs are growing. Then we talked about doing the HCG trigger shot to release my egg. I am really nurviouse and excited about this cycle however, I do not want to get my hopes up. I have really made a big effort to stay off DANG GOOGLE and YOUTUBE lol. I spend all my free time googling and youtubing everything I can about fertility and success stories. I feel like there is a light at the end of the tunnel though. I had my very first 28 day cycle this month and I am so excited that I'm not going to have to take provera or any other medication to induce AF. I have a good feeling about this cycle! Let just hope Chaz doesn't have to go out of town!!

6 Amazing years and many more to come.

Even though Chaz and I have been together for 6 years this past Monday, I still remember our first date like it was yesterday . It was on Monday June 27, 2005 and the first day of the rest of my life with the most amazing man I have ever known! We went to the movies and watched Bewitched, I remember being so nervous and excited.I love my husband and our dogs more and more every day. He works so hard to give us a good life.I can't wait to experience the rest of my life with him. I Love You Honey Bunny!! Happy 6 years!!

Trip to Turner Falls

So, this past weekend Chaz, me, Crystal, Haven and River went to a waterfall lake called Turner Falls. It was so much fun! It was like an hour drive but man was it worth it. Chaz's job is so stressful and we haven't really done much this summer so this was a real treat for us. They have slides there, yummy food and waterfalls. We will defiantly be making another trip there before we leave Oklahoma! It was so relaxing and just what the doctor ordered to take my mind off of all life's worries.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

I just want to say so sorry for the downer posts! I have been negative, negative lately so i'm sorry. I never in my wildest dreams would have thought that trying to get pregnant would take this long or would be this hard on me emotionally! At times I feel so sad and mad because I want to be pregnant so bad. I have to say that it is a daly strugle for me to not think about it or not worry about wether or not something else is wrong and it's just not healthy. Everyone says tells me not to stress and it will happen. So I am going to the doctors on the 27th of June and I hope he will give me so kind of hope in this. We are going to do one more round of clomid and if we don't get pregnant then I have decided we are going to take some time off of the medications. I hate that this is the one thing in my life that I can't control or fix and maybe taking some time off will make a difference who knows. I had my patriarchal blessing done a few months ago and it talks about mine and Chaz's children so I read that once a week and it honestly is the only thing that gives me hope right now! I need to focus on all the amazing things that I have in my life right now and I need to get to the point where I except the chance that we might never be blessed with a baby, God might have some other purpose for Chaz and I. Everything happens for a reason and there is a reason this is happening, I would just love to know what it is. I am really working hard to change my attitude and to not give this thing anymore energy then I already have. I am going to keep my mind occupied so I won't think about all this ttc stuff!! Everything will work out the way it is supposed to in the end. I am so thankful that I have my faith during this time because I would be lost right now without my heavily father! God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

I also want to say that I love my husband and dogs so much! I am so happy, we have the most amazing life and marriage! Whatever the future hold for us, good or bad I am so happy that I get to experiance and share it with him.There is no one else i'd rather grow old with or experience life with then him.

Friday, June 17, 2011

More pictures

The dreadful 2 week wait and my big sis too short visit.

My amazing big sis came to visit us in Oklahoma this past weekend. I was so excited because in all the 5 years that we have been doing this job no one in our family's have visited us. It's also exciting because we have Chaz's amazing big sis and 2 wonderful kid living with us this summer, so we got double the family visits this summer. My sis and I had the most amazing time. We ate, watched movies, got a pedicure and a message, went on some adventures into parts of Oklahoma that I have never been in and will be happy to never be in again lol. My sis is so amazing and I miss her so much!

We are officially in the 2 week wait. I am about one to two days past ovulation and YES I did ovulate this cycle on clomid :). O came right when it was supposed to and I couldn't be happier! I am just hoping beyond hope that we are pregnant this cycle because to be honest I am getting so frustrated and it really is driving my crazy! Anyone that has been trying to conceive for a long time knows what I am talking about. They know what it's like to want something so much and not have any control over it. God please send us our baby this month!! Of course I have no symptoms to report yet because I am only 1 or 2 days pat O but I will definitely post what happens over the next 2 weeks!! Cross your fingers for us everyone!!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Trying To Conceive Journey

So I was thinking I would post our ttc journey so far. I have PCOS and it is the most frustrating, stupid thing in the world!!! Chaz and I have been ttc for a year now and I am currently taking my 3 round of clomid. The 1st cycle on clomid I did ovulate but it was so late in my cycle that it didn't work. The 2nd cycle on clomid was in May, I waited and waited then I thought I was getting ready to ovulate, my opk was getting darker but unfortunately no ovulation and period was like 2 days just spotting in May so I of course start to think oh my gosh implantation bleeding ha ya right took a pg test and it was negative. I wouldn't even call what I had a period for me at least mine are never ever that short or light. I couldn't start round 3 of clomid until AF starts so I call in my provera to induce my period and I am now currently on CD3 @ 100mg of clomid so far no symptoms yet but we will see. I am really really trying to be positive this cycle. I am going to go to the doctors on June 27th to see what is up if I am not pregnant this cycle.

Can I just say that I want to be a mommy more then anything in this world!! I am really trying to keep myself stress free and not to obsessed with this frustrating thing! I have my good days and bad days! I know so many women who are pregnant right now and I just want to be experiencing the pg journey with them!! I know our time will come (I HOPE) I am just super impartation well it has been a year. I will keep posting about our journey but I am hopping I will be posting a I'm pregnant soon!!